Riding in a car during a rainstorm can be so calming. Securely snuggled into the passenger seat, you relax in the epicenter of activity. Raindrops pound on the metal roof mere inches from your ears. Inside your cozy shell, you are attuned to the commotion around you – the rhythmic slap of the wipers on the windshield, the reassuring hum of the engine, the changing intensity of the storm itself. You are in the thick of it, yet none of it threatens you. Safe and dry, you simply appreciate the raw beauty of the experience.

An early morning mist hangs in the air, diffusing the sunlight barely peeking through the trees. That doesn’t dampen the spirits of our feathered friends. Sitting beside this pristine river, we hear them calling out to one another, joyfully greeting the new day. This bubbling water brings life to the woodland animals, to the trees, to the velvety green mosses growing all around. Quiet your mind; absorb the river’s energy. Let it fill you with peace, with strength, and with gratitude.

These handcrafted chimes are precisely tuned to four scales that correspond with the elements: terra (earth), aqua (water), aria (air), and ignis (fire). They are constructed of bamboo resonance tubes with multiple metal plates suspended inside. When struck or moved by a breeze, they produce a harmonious combination of sounds that provides a warm, rich ambience. Frequently used for sound healing and meditation, Koshi chimes are said to bring positive energy to heal the body by creating a multidimensional vibration that surrounds the physical body and enters the energy body through sound.

Our beloved Brown Noise combined with a soothing hailstorm and thunder.

Our beloved Pink Noise combined with a soothing hailstorm and thunder.

Our beloved Pink Noise combined with a soothing hailstorm and thunder.

Roaring winds drive the icy flakes, forcing them into every crack and crevice. Swirling flurries of snow move in all directions, coating the landscape with white. Despite the fury of the storm outside, you are feeling calm and comforted. The squall whispers to you – shh, shh, shh. It is futile to resist; instead, go inside yourself and welcome the instinctive wisdom the storm brings.

Slow down and unwind as you listen to water bubbling over smooth stones. The timeless flow holds you spellbound; it is simultaneously monotonous and varied. Relax your attention and allow the soothing rhythm to wash over you.

As day transitions into night, the lake becomes a hub of activity. Tiny frogs plop into the water, adult ravens goad the young ones back to the nest, songbirds bid farewell to the fading sun. Rising above the rippling water, the loon’s mournful wail dominates it all. This solitary bird symbolizes tranquility, serenity, and the reawakening of hope. Hooting and yodeling, the loon gently guides us into sleep, encouraging us to follow our dreams, wishes, and desires.

Your body sways gently with the motion of the train. Outside the window, your surroundings are obscured by inky blackness. Lights rush by as you come to a rural crossing, signals clanging to warn of the train’s swift passage. The grounded noise of the wheels changes to a metallic jangle as the coach crosses a trestle. Drowsy from the rhythmic sway, you hear the train’s whistle. It sounds far away, a soft, lonely wail. You feel protected in the train car; confident that when you awake, you will have arrived safely at your destination.

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Sweet dreams! 😴